EchoFeed v1.1.0 released

New Features

New Source: Feedbin Support

Feedbin is now supported as a new source for RSS feeds. You can seamlessly integrate and subscribe to your favorite RSS feeds directly from Feedbin. More services will be gradually integrated in the future.

Subscribe to Remote Services

You can now subscribe to RSS feeds from various online services, including FreshRSS. This feature centralizes your subscriptions, making it easier to manage all your feeds in one place.

Category Management

Local category changes will now sync with your online services. This ensures your feed organization is consistent across all platforms, saving you time and effort.


Minor UI Tweaks

We’ve made adjustments to improve spacing issues during pull-to-refresh. These tweaks provide a smoother and more visually pleasing interaction.

Bug Fixes

We have fixed a critical bug that caused crashes during FreshRSS synchronization. This update enhances the stability and reliability of the application.